- 020 7562 8390
- 07710 324710
In June 2024, GBRW merged its expert practice with Martello Expert Services. The combined group has a track record of over 850 engagements and a database of over 500 experts in banking and finance, capital markets, insurance, energy, trade finance and commodity trading.
GBRW Expert Witness has a 15-year track record of providing expert support in the form of expert reports and/or advice in disputes involving banking, investment management, insurance, commodities, derivatives and related areas.
Several members of our and Martello’s management team are active as experts and our combined pool of more than 500 expert associates is one of the widest globally in our practice areas.
Our experience includes civil and criminal court proceedings, arbitrations and mediations worldwide.
We have been engaged by more than 80% of the Legal Week Top 50 UK firms and overseas practices in countries including Australia, Bahamas, BVI, Cayman Islands, Dubai, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, New Zealand, Singapore and the United States.
Finding the right expert
Law firms looking for financial sector expert witnesses face a number of challenges in identifying the right expert in a specialised discipline, checking conflicts, developing a shortlist of suitable candidates on a discreet basis and assessing individuals’ strengths and weaknesses and prior track records.
Our experience – as experts ourselves and from working with our associates over an extended period – normally enables us to propose one or more candidates whom we consider the best equipped to address specific issues.
Our network also enables us to identify ‘new’ experts when recent or specialised industry experience is required, who will not appear in the usual directories and websites.
Where individuals have had little or no prior experience, we assist them with research and presentation, review their draft and final reports and help prepare them for the various stages of a dispute, including cross-examination.
For further information, please see our websites or contact us at or