Registered Midwife; specialist areas include acute and community midwifery practice, preterm birth, antenatal/postnatal, intrapartum, leadership and management, maternity patient safety.
I have undertaken training in the medico-legal process, the role of an expert witness, and court preparation and achieved the Cardiff University Bond Solon (CUBS) Civil Expert Witness qualification.
I understand my responsibilities as an expert under Part 35 of The Civil Procedure Rules. I will take instruction for the Claimant and Defendant.
I will take instruction on case-note reports, NMC professional conduct expert opinion (Midwifery), civil/clinical negligence, liability, causation, breach of duty and fitness to practice.
I have commenced this role in 2024 and therefore as yet.
I have not yet completed any expert witness written or appeared as an expert witness in proceedings.