Forensic Defence is a nationwide expert witness provider to defence solicitors, family solicitors, barristers , local authorities and privately funded cases.
Urgent reports ready in 1 -2 days.
We specialise in:
Psychiatry, forensic psychiatry, child psychiatry, neuropsychiatry, psychology, child psychology, forensic psychology, I.Q Test, PTSD, ADH, Cognitive assessment, ADHD, ASD, Schizophrenia, Bipolar, Psychosis, anxiety and depression, neuropsychology, fitness to plead, fitness to stand trial, mens rea, capacity, sentencing report, risk report, dangerousness, section 12 approved psychiatrist, DNA analysis, Drugs expert, Drug analysis, Forensic accounting, Fraud, CCTV enhancement, Facial mapping, Body mapping, neurology, BACS report.