- 01226 270363
- 07534 656416
Areas include:
CPR-compliant employment expert reports covering career and earnings projections.
Vocational assessment of people with a wide range of disabilities, including head, (TBI) spinal cord, orthopaedic and psychological injuries.
Workplace analysis and assessment.
Developing and providing vocational rehabilitation services.
Providing expert employment evidence, on behalf of claimant, defendant and on a joint basis, in county courts, high courts (UK and abroad), for personal injury, clinical negligence, CICA, matrimonial, employment tribunal claims etc.
Work related stress (breach of duty).
Over 12 years previous experience in personnel management in private sector retail and local authority, construction, property and service sectors.
Knowledge of a wide range of careers.
Prepared reports in a large number of matrimonial/family cases.
Prepared complex reports detailing remuneration and prospects of Executive Directors, CEOs, and Finance Directors.
Experience of preparing reports involving construction and civil engineering professionals.
Regularly prepare reports on behalf of the Police Federation addressing police career and civilian career prospects as well as pension and other benefits.
Regularly prepare reports on behalf of the NHS Litigation Authority, MPS and MDU.
Reporting in cases involving armed forces personnel from Army, RAF, and Royal Navy.
Providing expert reports for courts in England and Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands as well as the Republic of Ireland, mainland Europe (inc: Spain, Germany) the USA, South Africa, Australia and and the Far East.