Consultant Urological Surgeon
Official Qualifications:
Contact Address:
Imperial Healthcare NHS Trust
Charing Cross Hospital
Dept of Urology
W6 8RF

Areas of Expertise:

I am a fully registered medical practitioner, holding degrees of Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) from London University St Georges Hospital Medical School (1977).  

I served a cadetship in The Royal Navy as an undergraduate following graduation in 1982, spent 6 years within The Royal Navy gaining my fellowship of The Royal College of Surgeons of London in 1989.

I then spent 3 years training in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, before undertaking research in uropathological aspects of female stress urinary incontinence, and then commenced urological training on the Wessex urological rotation and was finally appointed to a consultant post at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust in 1998.

I moved to Imperial College Healthcare in October 2015.

I am a member of the British Association of Urological Surgeons, a member of the International Continence Society and Immediate Past Chair of the United Kingdom Continence Society.  

I am also a member of the British Association of Paediatric Urologists and a member of the British Association of Gender identity Specialists.  

I am Past President of the Urology Section of the Royal Society of Medicine, and Past Chair of the Specialist Advisory Committee for Urology in the United Kingdom overseeing all urological training.

I am presently Chair for Quality and Assurance for all surgical training in the United Kingdom and Examiner for the FRCS (Urol). I have completed my term as Chairman of the British Association of Urological Surgeons’ Section of Female Urology and Reconstruction.

I have previously been Divisional Director of Surgery and Critical care at Kingston Hospital NHS Trust and Director of Medical Education. 

I am a trustee of The Urology Foundation and sit on the Pelvic Floor Oversight Group to oversee the recommendations of the Cumberlege Review for mesh injured patients.

My special areas of interest are:

female urology including incontinence, neurology,  paediatric urology and benign reconstruction of the genitourinary tract including gender affirmation surgery.  All my practice is now devoted to these aspects of clinical care and have published widely in these areas.

I provide about 50 – 60  medico – legal reports yearly within these specialist areas.

Additional Information:
Regional Limits:
GB Wide
Additional Languages:
English only
Lawyer Consultation:
15 minutes free of charge discussion:
Expert Witness Work:
Single Joint Expert:
Legal Aid Work:
Criminal Cases:
Media & Public Relations:
Personal Injury:
Expert Witness Activity:
Single Joint Expert:
How many times have you attended court: 3
(Past 3 years)
How many expert reports have you written: 800+
(Past 3 years)

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