A Consultant Paediatric Haematologist with over twenty years experience, Dr Russell Keenan can act as an expert witness, including the preparation of medico-legal reports and appearing in court, in child protection cases, clinical negligence cases and relating to all aspects of paediatric haematology.
His specialist areas of expertise include:
Haemophilia’s and other bleeding disorders.
Sickle cell disease.
Benign haematological disease.
Malignant haematology.
Transfusion medicine.
Dr Keenan’s reports have covered cases of medical negligence relating to paediatric haematology and child protection in relation to the presence or absence of a bleeding disorder.
He has experience of working with barristers and being cross examined in court. He keeps his reports relatively short, focused on the legal instructions, with all scientific and medical language and the basis of any opinions explained and referenced as required.
Dr Keenan can take instructions on behalf of either claimant or defendant.