Areas include: highways design, horizontal and vertical alignment, super-elevation, surface water drainage to Highways England and local authority standards. Construction and maintenance, standards traffic management, health and safety, accident investigations.
Legal Framework – highway code, highways acts, statutory procedures, road safety duties and responsibilities, traffic signs regulations, highway authority duties and responsibilities, Highways England duties and responsibilities, planning regulations and construction regulations.
Highways Design – road layout, horizontal and vertical alignment, super-elevation, forward visibility, stopping sight distances, priority T junction design, traffic signals design, roundabout design, grade separated junction design, pavement design, surface water drainage, traffic signs and road markings, road lighting, road traffic noise, traffic calming features, road safety audits
Highways Construction – temporary traffic management, temporary road closures, temporary traffic diversions. Structural failure, pavement contamination, construction cost issues
Highways Maintenance – Highways Agency and local authority duties, responsibilities, inspection frequency and maintenance standards.
Road Traffic Accidents – recording, prevention, standard of maintenance, skid resistance, flooding, surface water drainage, visibility, lane widths, temporary traffic management, adverse weather conditions, guarding, treatment of hazards, warning drivers of danger and speed limits.
Pedestrians and Cyclists – standard of maintenance of footways and cycleways, potholes and tripping hazards.
Membership of the Institution of Expert Witnesses (MEWI).