Mr Colin Holton is a hip and paediatric orthopaedic surgeon specialising in adolescent and young hip surgery. He has been a consultant for over five years performing hip replacements, hip arthroscopy, femoral and pelvic osteotomies to gain the best functional outcome for his patients.
He also operates on paediatric orthopaedic conditions including elective and trauma cases.
Mr Holton’s clinical practice offers a cradle to grave hip service for his patients. Children and adolescents often have conditions present from birth that can require further surgical management to allow them to gain best outcomes.
Mr Holton will fully evaluate and offer the best treatments for these conditions including hip dysplasia, perthes disease, SCFE (slipped capital femoral epiphysis), FAI (Femoro-acetabular impingement), AVN (Avascular necrosis) and hip osteoarthritis.
Surgical management of the above conditions can include hip arthroscopy (key hole surgery), hip osteotomies (bone realignment surgery) and hip replacements.
Adolescent and young adult hip surgery – including PAO (Pelvic osteotomies), Femoral Osteotomies, Hip Arthroscopy and Total Hip replacements.
Paediatric Trauma & > 6 years of age Hip conditions.