I completed the ‘Pain Experts’ course and I’m familiar with, and understand the importance of, the Civil Procedure Rules Part 35. I have received instructions for, and prepared in excess of 200 reports over the last three years.
This is at a ratio of 50% Claimant and 50% Defendant. I hold the Cardiff University Bond Solon (CUBS) Expert Witness Civil Certificate (2021).
Scope of expertise:
I am a medical expert in all aspects of adult chronic pain management including presentations such as chronic pain syndromes, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), spinal pain and musculoskeletal pain presentations.
I have a wealth of experience within anaesthesia and am available for opinions on medical negligence within Adult Anaesthesia, Chronic Pain Management, and Personal Injury.
Areas include:
Chronic pain; chronic pain syndrome; complex regional pain syndrome; CRPS; neuropathic pain; chronic post-traumatic pain; chronic post-surgical pain; psychologically mediated chronic pain conditions; whiplash Injury; neuromodulation including spinal cord stimulation; psychological treatment pathways for chronic pain conditions; pain management programmes; back Pain; neck pain and spinal pain.
I accept instructions GB wide, but I have venues at : Bradford, Doncaster, Manchester, Birmingham, London, Durham, and Bristol. Also home visits.