I am an Intensive Care and Anaesthesia consultant based at Salford Royal hospital, a large tertiary hospital that is the trauma centre for Greater Manchester. I have worked as a consultant in Critical Care for the past 10 years covering a wide range of general and neuro-critical care cases.
I have experience of working in DGH Intensive Care at our sister unit in Fairfield general which gives me exposure to a variety of medical intensive care patients and an insight in DGH practice.
In my anaesthesia practice I am experienced in major cancer resection including oesphagectomy/gastrectomy, colorectal, gynaecology, urology, endocrine and endoscopy. I am an expert in Bariatric anaesthesia for weight loss surgery. I have experience in general and regional anaesthetic techniques including placement and management of epidurals.
I am the clinical lead for a 40-bedded critical care unit with experience in service management including complaint handling, best-interest decision making and litigation.
I am also qualified with the Cardiff University Bond Solon Expert Witness Certificate (Civil).
My areas of specialty include:
Neuro-critical care: traumatic brain injury, sub-arachnoid haemorrhage, spinal cord injury, neurological death (brainstem death), devastating brain injury, meningitis.
Intensive Care medicine: ARDS, sepsis, COVID 19 pneumonitis, pneumonia, invasive and non-invasive ventilation, tracheostomy, renal replacement therapy (haemofiltration), withdrawal of treatment decisions and organ donation.
Anaesthesia: general anaesthesia, epidural placement and management, post-operative pain management, pre-operative assessment, airway management, bariatric anaesthesia, one-lung ventilation, prone positioning and intravenous access.
I am an Intensive Care and Anaesthesia consultant based at Salford Royal hospital, a large tertiary hospital that is the trauma centre for Greater Manchester. I have worked as a consultant in Critical Care for the past 10 years covering a wide range of general and neuro-critical care cases.
I have experience of working in DGH Intensive Care at our sister unit in Fairfield general which gives me exposure to a variety of medical intensive care patients and an insight in DGH practice.
In my anaesthesia practice I am experienced in major cancer resection including oesphagectomy/gastrectomy, colorectal, gynaecology, urology, endocrine and endoscopy. I am an expert in Bariatric anaesthesia for weight loss surgery. I have experience in general and regional anaesthetic techniques including placement and management of epidurals.
I am the clinical lead for a 40-bedded critical care unit with experience in service management including complaint handling, best-interest decision making and litigation.
I am also qualified with the Cardiff University Bond Solon Expert Witness Certificate (Civil).
My areas of specialty include:
Neuro-critical care: traumatic brain injury, sub-arachnoid haemorrhage, spinal cord injury, neurological death (brainstem death), devastating brain injury, meningitis.
Intensive Care medicine: ARDS, sepsis, COVID 19 pneumonitis, pneumonia, invasive and non-invasive ventilation, tracheostomy, renal replacement therapy (haemofiltration), withdrawal of treatment decisions and organ donation.
Anaesthesia: general anaesthesia, epidural placement and management, post-operative pain management, pre-operative assessment, airway management, bariatric anaesthesia, one-lung ventilation, prone positioning and intravenous access.
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