Paediatric Cardiothoracic Anaesthesia. I have extensive experience in paediatric cardiothoracic anaesthesia, paediatric intensive care; paediatric intubation; central venous access in children; ventilation; cardiopulmonary bypass and ECMO (extracorporeal membrane oxygenation).
I have a large experience of anaesthesia for heart transplantation and a great deal of expertise in the use of Ventricular Assist Devices (VAD) in children. My practice also includes experience in anaesthetising adults with congenital heart disease for surgery.
Reports are often (but not exclusively) on post or perioperative critical incidents, paediatric intensive care, peri-operative cardiac arrest and intubation difficulties. I work for claimants and defendants.
I have obtained the Cardiff University Bond Solon (CUBS) civil expert witness course to improve my reports and expertise.
I am also a member of the Expert Witness Institute (number 10003395).
I have been a consultant for 25 years in the Freeman Hospital, one of the two UK paediatric heart transplant centres and a major centre for paediatric cardiac surgery and intensive care.
I am a past member of Council, The Association of Paediatric Anaesthetists Great Britain and Ireland (ended 2017); I was the first Honorary Treasurer of the European Extracorporeal Life Support Organisation (until 2020) and have been on the steering group since 2012, demitting in 2022.