Specialist in General & Pharmacological Medicine
Official Qualifications:
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Areas of Expertise:

I am registered with the GMC as a Specialist in General Medicine with a licence to practice.

I am a Fellow of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine and the Royal College of Physicians.

You can find me on Linkedin and search me on Google and my publications on Pubmed.

I have professional indemnity insurance.

A pharmaceutical physician, highly experienced in pharmaceutical regulatory clinical expert reports. Able to give a regulatory quality written opinion in any civil or criminal case where there is a question as to whether a medicine or
illegal substance has influenced disease, physiology or behaviour; or is in some way relevant to the proceedings.

Cases, in which complex causality is an issue or where there is differing academic opinion, are a particular strength, as is pharmacokinetics of drugs of abuse, and side effects of medicines.

Qualifications are those for a general physician, pharmaceutical expert, pharmacologist, toxicologist, forensic physician and as well as a specialist in stress and affective psychiatric disorders and sexual health. Author of Positive under Pressure.

Drug-related specialities include benzodiazepines, such as Diazepam, Valium, Alprazolam, Zopiclone, etc. Also Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitors (SSRIs) such as Fluoxetine (Prozac), Citalopram, Escitalopram, Paroxetine,
Setraline, etc.

Other specialities include drug-induced amnesia (loss of memory), as well as epilepsy and head injury and the ability to form criminal intent and mens rae due to prescription medicine and drugs of abuse and alcohol. The effects of alcohol and drugs on driving and criminal behaviour, including shoplifting, aggression, assault and murder. Sudden deaths and unexplained deaths in police custody. Medical aspects of schizophrenia and abnormalities of the sympathetic nervous system and cardiac rhythm.

All matters relating to sexual health and sexually transmitted infections, diseases and disorders, Erectile dysfunction, Premature ejaculation, Autoerotic behaviour in sexual practice, Drugs associated with sexual disorders.

Medical negligence for the defendant and claimant, Consultant to the pharmacology industry, Joint expert in criminal cases, Previous clients include defence barristers and solicitors, coroners, Criminal Prosecution Service, IPCC, Prison Ombudsman, pharmacology police forces, medical defence organisations and armed forces.

I am pleased to discuss case pro-bono.

My workload comprises 50% criminal, 20% civil, and 30% reports for governmental organisations such as CPS, Independent Police Complaints Commission, Prison Ombudsmen UK and Republic of Ireland, coroners and tribunals.

Also Submissions to MHRA and FDA and EMEA for registration of pharmaceuticals and medical devices. I have been off work for 7 years due to illness before that I attended courts on many occasions both civil, criminal, coroners courts and tribunals and written approximately 500 reports.

Areas include:

Accidents, drug-related, Acts, Misuse of Drugs,  Addiction medicine,  Alcohol, blood, Alcohol, blood, calculations, Alcohol, blood, effects of medication, Alcohol, breath, Alcohol, effects of, on driving, Alcohol, interaction with drugs of,

Alcohol, interaction with medicines of, Alcohol, offences relating to, sexual assault, Amnesia, psychogenic, Anaesthetic drugs, Anti-anxiety agents, Anti-epileptic drugs, Anti-reflux agents, Anti-rheumatic drugs, Anti-thrombotic drugs, Antibiotic therapy,

Antibiotics, Antibiotics, prescribing, Antibiotics, side effects of, Antibiotics, use of, Anticoagulants, drugs, Antidepressants, Antimalaria drugs, Antimicrobial agents, Antipsychotic drugs, Arthritis, drugs for, Arthritis, drugs for, toxicity of

Asthma, drugs for, Autoerotic behaviour, Automatism, Banknotes, drugs on, Behavioural sequelae, drug-related, Behavioural sequelae, prescribed drug-related, Benzodiazepines, Benzodiazepines, dependence, Blood alcohol,

Blood alcohol, calculations, Blood alcohol, effects of medication, Blood analysis, drugs, Body fluids, drugs in, Breath alcohol, Breath sample, failure to provide, Breathalysers, inability to use, Car driving ability, effects of diabetes,

Car driving ability, effects of drugs, Car driving, drinking after, Cardiovascular drugs, Chemotherapy, side effects of, Child abuse, drugs in, Children, drugs for, Clinical forensic medicine, Clinical trials, Clinical trials, ethics of,

Clinical trials, regulation of, Cocaine, Complementary medicine, side effects,  Confusional states, Contraception, adverse effects of, Corticosteroids, side effects, Counterfeiting, drugs, Date rape drugs,  Death, drug-related,

Death, sudden, Death, sudden, adult, Death, sudden, African, Death, sudden, pathology of,  Depression, manic, drugs for, Diabetes, effects on driving of, Diazepam, Dispensing, drug, Dispensing, pharmacy,  Diving medicine,

Drink driving, Drink driving, failure to give sample in, Drinking after driving, Driving behaviour, effects on, of alcohol, Driving behaviour, effects on, of drugs, Driving behaviour, effects on, of illicit drugs, Driving behaviour, effects on,

of prescribed drugs, Driving, car, drinking after, Driving, car, effects of diabetes on, Driving, car, effects of drugs on, Drug abuse, withdrawal symptoms following, Drug adverse reactions, prescribed, Drug consumption, patterns,

Drug driving, Drug effects, Drug effects, behavioural, Drug effects, behavioural, on driving, Drug effects, disease-related, Drug effects, kidney-related, Drug effects, liver-related, Drug effects, memory-related, Drug effects, organ-related

Drug effects, sexual behaviour-related, Drug effects, sexuality-related, Drug effects, sleep-related, Drug effects, state of mind-related, Drug effects, stomach-related, Drug metabolism, Drug offences, sexual assault, Drug research, ethics,

Drug supply, Drug testing, human, of blood, Drug testing, human, of body fluid, Drug traces, banknote, Drug-facilitated rape, Drugs, Drugs, absorption of, Drugs, accidents relating to, Drugs, anaesthetic, Drugs, analysis of, Drugs, anti-coagulant,

Drugs, anti-epileptic, Drugs, anti-malaria, Drugs, anti-platelet, Drugs, anti-psychotic, Drugs, anti-rheumatic, Drugs, anti-thrombotic, Drugs, arthritic,  Drugs, arthritic, toxicity, Drugs, asthma, Drugs, cardiovascular, Drugs, child, Drugs, child abuse with

Drugs, cocaine, Drugs, comparison of, Drugs, confiscation of, Drugs, counterfeit, Drugs, date rape,  Drugs, dealing of, Drugs, death from, Drugs, detection of, Drugs, development of, Drugs, dispensing of, Drugs, ecstasy, Drugs, epilepsy,

Drugs, feeding problems after use of, Drugs, gastrointestinal tract, Drugs, hayfever, Drugs, heart disorder, Drugs, heparin,  Drugs, heroin, Drugs, identification of, Drugs, illicit, Drugs, illicit, effects of breakdown products of, Drugs, illicit, effects of psychoactive,

Drugs, illicit, effects on driving behaviour of, Drugs, immunosuppressive, Drugs, injuries from, Drugs, interaction with alcohol of, Drugs, interactions between, Drugs, intoxication by, Drugs, LSD, Drugs, manic depressive, Drugs, mood disorder, Drugs, neuroleptic

Drugs, over the counter, Drugs, packaging for, Drugs, pain relief, Drugs, patents for,  Drugs, poisoning from, Drugs, possession of, Drugs, prescribed,  Drugs, prescribed, effects of breakdown products of, Drugs, prescribed, effects on behaviour of,

Drugs, prescribed, effects on driving behaviour of, Drugs, price of, Drugs, product liability of, Drugs, production of, Drugs, profiling of, Drugs, psychiatric, Drugs, psychiatric aspects of, Drugs, psychoactive, Drugs, psychotropic, Drugs, purity of,

Drugs, recreational use of, Drugs, regulation of, Drugs, respiratory, Drugs, sexual disorder-related, Drugs, steroid, Drugs, street value of, Drugs, subcultures related to, Drugs, synthesis of, Drugs, toxicology of, Drugs, use of, 190 Drugs, use of, in sport,

Drugs, valuation of, Drugs, warfarin, Drugs, wrappings for, Ecstasy, Epilepsy, drugs for, Ethics, drug research, Feeding problems, drug-related, Football medicine, Forensic medicine, Forensic medicine, clinical, Forensic medicine, medical negligence in,

Forensic pharmacology, Fraud, prescription, Gastrointestinal tract, drugs, General medicine, General medicine, medical negligence, General practice medicine, occupational stress, Genitourinary medicine, Genitourinary medicine, medical negligence,

Genitourinary pharmacology, Hayfever drugs, Heart disorders, drugs for, Heart disorders, stress-related, Heart pharmacology, Heparin use, Heroin, Homeopathy, side effects, Human insulin, side effects, Hyperbaric medicine, Illicit drugs, 221 Illicit drugs, effects of breakdown products

Illicit drugs, effects on driving behaviour, Immunosuppression, drugs, Infections, sexually transmitted, Insulin, human, side effects, Internal medicine, Kidneys, effects of drugs on, Lariam, side effects, Licences, medicine, Licences, pharmaceutical,

Liver, diseases, drug-induced, LSD, Manic depression, drugs for, Medical negligence, Medical negligence, preliminary reviews of, Medication, effects on blood alcohol, Medicine, risk assessment in, Medicines, Medicines, administration of,

Medicines, analysis of, Medicines, interaction with alcohol of, Medicines, interactions between, Medicines, licensing of, Medicines, organ damage due to, Medicines, product liability of, Medicines, safety with, Medicines, side effects of, Mefloquine,

Memory, disorders relating to, Memory, effects of drugs on, Mens rae, Metabolism, drug, Misuse of Drugs Act, Molecular pharmacology, Mood disorders, drugs, Multiple personalities, Nervous system, sympathetic, Neuroleptic drugs,

Neuropharmacology, Occupational stress, Occupational stress, general practitioners, Organ damage, due to drugs, Organ damage, due to medicines, Packaging, drugs, Paediatrics, pharmacology in, Pain relief, drugs for, Pathology, sudden death,

Pharmaceuticals, Pharmaceuticals industry, licensing, Pharmaceuticals industry, regulation, Pharmaceuticals industry, trials, Pharmaceuticals, adverse reactions to, Pharmaceuticals, safety of, Pharmacodynamics, Pharmacokinetics,

Pharmacology, Pharmacology, cardiac, Pharmacology, cardiovascular, Pharmacology, clinical, Pharmacology, forensic, Pharmacology, genitourinary,  Pharmacology, molecular, Pharmacology, neuro-,  Pharmacology, paediatric,

Pharmacology, professional negligence in, Pharmacology, psycho-, Pharmacology, steroid, Pharmacology, veterinary, Pharmacy dispensing, Pharmacy dispensing, professional negligence, Poisoning, drug, Police medicine, Police medicine, medical negligence,

Post-traumatic stress disorder, Prescribed drugs,  Prescribed drugs, adverse reactions to, Prescribed drugs, effects of breakdown products of, Prescribed drugs, effects on behaviour of, Prescribed drugs, effects on driving of, Prescribing,

Prescriptions, Prescriptions, fraud with, Prozac, Psychiatric drugs, Psychiatry, aspects of, drug treatment, Psychoactive drugs, Psychoactive drugs, illicit, Psychogenic amnesia, Psychopharmacology, Psychosexual disorders, Psychosexual medicine,

Psychotropic drugs, Radiotherapy, side effects of, Rape, drug-assisted, Regulations, pharmaceutical, Respiratory medicine, drugs, Rohypnol, Roofies, Schizophrenia, Sertraline, Sexual assault, alcohol-related, Sexual assault, drugs-related, Sexual behaviour,

Sexual behaviour, drug effects on, Sexual disorders, drugs associated with, Sexual health, Sexual medicine, Sexuality, effect of drugs on, Sexually transmitted diseases, Sexually transmitted infections, Skin treatments, side effects of, Sleep problems, effect of drugs on,

Sports, drug use in,  State of mind, effects of drugs on, Steroid drugs, Steroid pharmacology, Steroids, side effects of, Stomach, drug effects, Stress disorders, heart, Stress disorders, post-traumatic, Stress, management of, Sudden death, Sudden death, adult,

Sudden death, African, Sudden death, pathology of, Sympathetic nervous system, Temazepam, Therapeutics, Toxicology, arthritic drug, Toxicology, drug, Unexpected death, Venereal diseases, Veterinary pharmacology, Warfarin use.



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GB Wide
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Lawyer Consultation:
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How many times have you attended court: 0
(Past 3 years)
How many expert reports have you written: Various Reports Ongoing
(Past 3 years)

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