My main area of expertise is the provision of safe, effective analgesia and anaesthesia for women in pregnancy.
Extensive experience in the management of all types of anaesthesia and pain relief for labour and delivery. Particular interest in the management of high-risk pregnancy, especially pre-eclampsia, eclampsia and amniotic fluid embolism.
Over 25 years as Consultant Anaesthetist in NHS and independent sector.
Director of Obstetric Anaesthesia at Homerton Hospital, 1994 – 2016.
President of the Obstetric Anaesthetists’ Association, 2008 – 2011.
Chair, Obstetric Committee, World Federation of Societies of Anaesthesiologists, 2008-2016.
Panellist for GMC Fitness to Practise proceedings, 2006-2014.
Areas also covered are:
Amniotic fluid embolism.
Anaesthesia, adult.
Anaesthesia, awareness under.
Anaesthesia, complications in.
Anaesthesia, death from.
Anaesthesia, epidural.
Anaesthesia, general.
Anaesthesia, gynaecological.
Anaesthesia, high-risk 1.
Anaesthesia, measurements applied to.
Anaesthesia, medical negligence in.
Anaesthesia, obstetric.
Anaesthesia, pre-operative patient assessment for.
Anaesthesia, regional.
Anaesthesia, spinal.
Anaesthetic apparatus.
Anaesthetic drugs.
Anaesthetic gases.
Analgesia, epidural.
Analgesia, obstetric.
Analgesia, post-operative.
Analgesia, spinal
Death, anaesthesia-related.
Death, maternal.
Drugs, anaesthetic.
Drugs, error.
Embolism, amniotic fluid.
Endotracheal intubation.
Epidural anaesthesia.
Epidural analgesia.
Gases, anaesthetic.
General anaesthesia.
Gynaecology, anaesthesia in.
Maternal death.
Medical gases.
Medication error.
Obstetrics, anaesthesia in.
Obstetrics, anaesthesia in, epidurals.
Obstetrics, analgesia in.
Operative anaesthesia.
Pain relief.
Pain relief, obstetric.
Pain, post-surgical.
Patient assessment, pre-operative, for anaesthesia.
Pregnancy, high-risk.
Pregnancy, management of.
Rapid sequence induction.
Spinal anaesthesia.
Spinal analgesia.