- 01223 479024
- 07419 812184
- 01223 755125
I undertake medico-legal work in the following areas:
Geriatric medicine.
Elderly patients.
General medicine.
Medical negligence.
Acute medicine.
Personal injury.
I have held NHS substantive consultant physician posts in Geriatrics, General medicine and Stroke medicine. I currently work as an acute consultant physician in an NHS emergency medical unit where I see a high number of acutely and usually seriously ill patients with an extensive range of medical problems.
I also see a small number of general surgical, trauma and psychiatric emergencies. About 50-60% of the patients I see are over 70 years of age.
I undertake medical reports relating mainly to elderly clients but I am also able to comment upon a wide range of other medical issues. I have been approved to undertake fast track personal injury reports.
I will consider home visits and legally aided cases. I have a highly professional secretarial service which enables me to respond rapidly in terms of turnaround. I undertake mainly claimant work but have also done defendant and joint reports.
I have been undertaking medico-legal work for over 25 years and I do more than 300 cases each year. I have undergone Bond Solon and MedCo training and I have experience of giving evidence in all courts from the magistrates court to the Royal Courts of Justice.
I would be happy to give a 15 minute free consultation to solicitors and I am also happy to prepare short reports prior to formal instruction. I am fully indemnified for medico-legal work.