My areas of expertise include:
General and regional anaesthesia (adults)/anaesthetics.
Anaesthesia for vascular, orthopaedic, and trauma surgery.
Anaesthesia and perioperative care of the frail and older patient.
Anaesthesia for urgent and emergency surgery.
Preoperative risk assessment.
Consent and shared decision making.
Major complications of anaesthesia.
Postoperative myocardial infarction and stroke.
I have an extensive and varied vascular anaesthetic practice encompassing aortic aneurysm repair, carotid surgery, lower limb, vascular surgery and renovascular access. I am the Trust lead for preassessment and have a particular interest in the frail elderly patients undergoing major surgery.
I undertake joint preoperative assessment clinics of elderly surgical patients in collaboration with elderly care and surgical colleagues. I undertake emergency anaesthesia sessions caring for a wide range of patients including urgent trauma, plastic vascular ENT, spinal, and maxillofacial surgery.
I am a previous Chairman of the Vascular Anaesthesia Society of Great Britain and Ireland. I am Chair Elect of the Board of the British Journal of Anaesthesia and have published extensively on to pics including vascular anaesthesia, anaesthesia for the older patient, and perioperative cardio problems.
I am Chair of the Scientific Committee of the European Association of Cardiovascular Anaesthesiology. I undertake regular medicolegal and clinical training to support my practice and remain fully a breast of important developments.