Dr Hasanen Al-Taiar is a consultant forensic psychiatrist who graduated with a Bachelor of Medicine and Surgery (MBChB), holds membership of The Royal College of Psychiatrists (FRCPsych) and is a Senior Member of the Higher Education Academy (SFHEA).
He is a RCPsych CASC and a GMC PLAB2 examiner.
He is the Vice Chair of the Royal College of Psychiatrists South Eastern Division and the England South Section 12 Approvals Panel.
He works in a secure unit in Oxford which provides specialist mental health input to forensic inpatients.
He is an expert witness and he assists the judicial establishments by giving psychiatric opinions in criminal matters.
He’s a clinical tutor at Oxford University Department of Psychiatry and is an Associate Oxford University Medical Education Fellow. His work has been cited on the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE).
One of his ambitions is to raise the awareness, build professional capacity and set up specialised forensic psychiatry services in many countries which provide specialist mental health input to mentally unwell offenders.
He delivers training in forensic aspects of psychiatry e.g. risk assessment of violence, and writing to the Courts, both nationally and internationally.
He organises clinical attachments for psychiatrists and medical students to undertake a period of (observership) training in the UK.