Illicit Drugs and Firearms Trafficking, including:
Social supply.
Night time economy.
Music festivals.
County lines including quantification statements, CCE exploitation, modern slavery, NRM.
Middle Market / adulteration / bulking agents /re-pressing.
Organised crime.
Import / export.
Interpretation of text messages – including encrypted communications – Encrochat / Operation Venetic.
Interpretation of drug dealer list / debtors lists / tick lists and bookkeeping ledgers.
Cultivation of cannabis.
Illicit Drug Laboratories.
Drug production and manufacture.
Proceeds of Crime Act (POCA) hearings.
Firearms trafficking.
National, regional and local distribution.
Urban Street Gangs and the use of street slang (including lyrics within drill music).
Illicit Drugs & Firearms.
Urban Street Slang.
Ian is the founder and director at Expert Witness Services and the former Specialist Drug Advisor and the Lead Expert Witness Coordinator for London’s Metropolitan Police Service.
He has over 34 years experience of investigating illicit drugs and firearms criminality as either the lead officer or supervisor.
He has worked within Front Line Policing in some of London’s most challenging districts and on a number of pro-active units including the Trident Area Crime Command and the Serious & Organised Crime Directorate at London’s New Scotland Yard.
Ian is an associate lecturer at Buckinghamshire New University and has been entered onto the Expert Register at the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP).
Ian has also trained over 400 police officers and staff across the U.K. in Drug Trafficking for Investigators and Expert Witness (foundation) as well as CPD for experts in County Lines and Organised Crime.
He is well versed at identifying poor practice and non-compliant expert reporting.