Jim started his career as a Mechanical Engineer and Apprentice with Timex Corporation, subsequently undertaking a B.Sc. degree in Mechanical Engineering, at Dundee College of Technology, and then working for IMI Yorkshire Imperial Metals, involved in the organisation and operation of Hot Brass Stamping Section, and tool design and process organisation.
Jim joined Strange Strange and Gardner as an engineer in 1986, and Partner in 1996. During this time he has reported on over 3000 claims, the majority of which have been in personal injury cases with some in commercial disputes, product liability claims and criminal investigations. He is currently Senior Partner.
Jim is a Chartered Engineer with the Institute of Mechanical Engineering and is registered as an Expert Witness with The Law Society, The Association of Personal Injury Lawyers, and The UK Register of Expert Witnesses.
Areas Include:
Accident Investigation.
Agricultural Equipment.
Dust Exposure.
Fabrication and Welding.
Falls from Height.
Machine Guarding.
Health & Safety.
Heavy Good Vehicles & Loading.
Industrial Accidents.
Ladders & Scaffolding.
Lifting (LOLER).
Machine Tools.
Manual Handling.
Mechanical Engineering.
Mechanical Failure.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
Playground Equipment.
Product Liability.
Repetitive Strain & Work-Related Upper Limb Disorders.
Slips, Trips & Falls.
Work at Height.