My expertise is in the hip joint at all ages- in children, young adults and older adults. Trained in the generality of orthopaedics, my interest has been in disorders and joint conserving operations of the hip joint in children and young adults. I am an expert on the aetiology and risk of arthritis.
I also trained in mechanical engineering, having machined the parts to rebuild ten engines in the 1970s. I developed a successful electrostatic diesel exhaust gas particulate filter in 1975. Being 40 years ahead of its time it was commercially unsuccessful.
In 1990, in Toronto, I jointly developed a technique for culturing stem cells to produce articular cartilage cells. This was commercialised the following year when I moved to Boston. It remains the foundation of techniques used today.
I was involved in the basic research relating to the Birmingham Hip Resurfacing (BHR) from 1985 onwards and the Adept hip resurfacing from 2002. The Adept resurfacing has survivorship better than any hip replacement after 20 years.
I have developed my own pelvic osteotomy, the BIPO, whose survival after 30 years is better then the Bernese Ganz operation, 48% vs 28%. I was a lecturer on the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons from 1990 -2005 and have taught these techniques across the world.
Being a petrolhead and advocate of safer travel, I was on a car manufacturer’s safety design panel in the early 1990s. I have written a book about my patients, assisted by a psychologist.
Areas include:
I also consult in Birmingham.