I am a Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeon at the Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital in Exeter. I was appointed in 2015 and I perform on call for general orthopaedic trauma.
My specialist practice is in the field of knee injuries and surgery. I regularly run general trauma fracture clinics and acute knee injury clinics.
I can to provide an expert opinion on general orthopaedic and soft tissue injuries, as well as providing a specialist expert opinion for injuries of the knee. I undertake medicolegal CPD annually.
I regularly performing personal injury medical reports since 2015 and undertakes approximately 100 reports each year. I am highly involved in orthopaedic research, and I am regularly invited to be faculty on national and international courses.
I am also a member of the AO trauma teaching faculty.
I offer clinical negligence reports for cases involving the knee. Specific area of expertise is knee replacement, revision and infection.
Mr Phillips runs regular medicolegal clinics at the following venue:
Holmedale Health, Denmark Road, Exeter EX1 1SE.
Occasional clinics at: Walsingham Clinic, 2 Walsingham Place, Truro, TR1 2RP.
I am happy to prepare reports for clinical negligence cases.
Please contact: Ms Marie Carey