I am a Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, with over 20 years consultant experience. I have also been involved in clinical research and undertaken educational projects for RCOG and guideline development for NICE.
I have lectured at national conferences on intrapartum care. I have undertaken medico-legal instruction for 15 years including work for both claimants and defendants solicitors. I have expertise in and will accept instruction in the following areas:
Antenatal care.
Intrapartum care (labour and delivery).
Fetal monitoring.
Instrumental deliveries.
Caesarean section deliveries.
Obstetric ultrasound scanning.
Uterine fibroids.
Diagnostic laparoscopy.
Diagnosis and treatment of ectopic pregnancy.
Diagnosis and treatment of menstrual dysfunction.
Diagnosis and treatment of pelvic pain.
Diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis.