- 07795 193624
- 07857 549827
As an expert witness, I have prepared numerous reports in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland for the Court including loss of service, aids and equipment and/or care requirements, breach of duty and specialist nursing.
Further to nursing qualifications and experience I have undertaken medico legal training and am aware of my responsibilities as an expert witness under the Civil Procedure Rules.
I have experience in liaising with the legal team and understanding of the medico-legal litigation process. I have participated within numerous case conferences with Counsel, expert meetings, and joint discussions.
I attend regular training courses for ongoing professional development.
Areas include:
• Asbestos related illness.
• Respiratory conditions (including Mesothelioma and Asbestosis).
• Oncology.
• Long term conditions & chronic illnesses (incl multi organ failure & dementia).
• Neurological conditions.
• End of life / Palliative care.
• Stoma care.
• Chronic pain.
• Pressure ulcers and wound management.
• Psychological and mental health implications.
• Brain Injury.
• Spinal injury.
• Cauda equina.
• Amputation.
• Orthopaedic injuries.