I am a self-employed, Forensic Lip-Reader and freelance Sign Language Interpreter. I acquired my knowledge and skill having been born into a Profoundly deaf family.
Since birth I became a communicator and relied principally on sign language and lip-reading to communicate.
My specialist field is lip-reading from clips or CCTV footage. When I receive a clip, I ask the instructing party not to disclose any information regarding the case.
When lip-reading I remain impartial and transcribe what I believe has been spoken. Once I have viewed a clip I then prepare a report and transcript. All works are prepared to ‘Court Ready’ standard.
I have worked for many organisations and have provided evidence for both the prosecution and the defence. I have also attended court to give evidence. I have listed some of the organisations
I have worked for the below:
Various Police Departments or Services.
The FA – The Football Association.
NCA – National Crime Agency.