Louise Claro is one of the UK’s leading and recognised expert financial advisers and Court Expert Witness in England and Wales. She is highly experienced in giving evidence and providing expertise in two distinct areas:
1) Regulated financial services involving mis-selling allegations, FCA regulatory breaches, professional negligence, fraudulent activity, trade rights infringements. Expert reports provided under CPR35 and rule 19 Crim PR.
2) Periodical payments and financial advice in high value personal injury and clinical negligence awards under CPR 41.
Louise is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and is experienced in trial attendance at both County, High Court, Court of Protection and Royal Courts of Justice.
Working in two distinct areas requiring expertise of a specialised regulated financial adviser, Louise provides CPR 35 and rule 19 Crim PR evidence reports on both claimant, defendant or SJE basis.
Her experience spans over 25 years in banking, bancassurance and independent financial advice service sectors. Louise has acted in many high value cases with many of the Top 10 UK banking and advice institutions.
Case examples for financial mis-selling allegations:
A v B – Claimant pursuing a claim for damages in excess of £500,000 quantum following allegations of missale of UCIS investments to a retail customer for over £2m. Allegation of COB and COBS rules breaches.
Mr C v UK Bank – Acting on SJE basis following sale of complex structured products to retail client who alleged negligent advice and COBS rule breaches.
D v IFA firm – Allegations of COBS rule and alleged failings to provide ongoing investment advice services under Terms of Business for portfolio of £5m+.
Case examples for personal injury and clinical negligence settlements:
Child K – Catastrophic brain injury, cerebral palsy. Defendant NHSLA. Protected party under Court of Protection, quantum £6.5m no periodical payment offered for consideration.
Adult – RTA, insured case. Significant life changing injuries. Case settled £2,050,000 plus periodical payments £50,000 linked to ASHE 6115 for life.
As a recognised expert, Louise provides accredited training to many high profile solicitors firms and barristers. She is also a BBC contributor for BBC Breakfast TV, Radio 5 Live and Radio 4.
Louise has an ability to explain complex matters in a straightforward and concise way and present financial solutions in complex cases.