He attended several courses on medicolegal practice. He has over 20 years of experience investigating serious incidents in the NHS through various previous roles such as Clinical Director and Head of Service.
He is experienced in leading external reviews of NHS services as a member of the panel of the Invited Review Mechanism of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
His reports are compliant with Part 35 of the Civil Procedures Rules. He makes every effort to explain complex medical issues as clearly as possible and includes any supporting guidelines and publications with his report.
Areas include:
General surgery, upper GI surgery, abdominal wall hernias, hiatus hernia, gastroesophageal reflux, achalasia, gastric cancer, oesophageal cancer, oesophageal perforation, oesophageal stricture and caustic oesophageal injury.
Peptic ulcer, Barrett’s oesophagus, gallstones, cholecystectomy, bile leaks, biliary injury, oesophagostomy, gastrectomy, anastomotic leak and chyle leak.
Complications of bariatric surgery.