Official Qualifications:
D.Prof, MA (Hons), MA Criminology, MA MSHT; Dip Marketing; BTP
Contact Address:
Criminology Services

Areas of Expertise:

40 yrs experience in; Street gangs, gang slang; county lines; drugs and drug markets; Drug algorithms and quantification;  Modern slavery, exploitation.

Areas of academic or practitioner expertise include:

County Lines drug supply networks: their internal operations and group dynamics; internal methods of control and exploitation; cuckooing; localised dealing in host towns; control over runners/dealers; county lines dynamics and tactics; violence arising from county lines, MSHT.  Expert witness in court.

Urban Street Gangs – gang theory and gang culture; evolution of street gangs; UK gangs vs US gangs; recruitment; internal gang dynamics; affiliation; roles and CCE; internal sanctions and control.

Links to girls and wider family; postcodes and territoriality; Rideouts; firearms and knives; revenge and retribution; influence of social media and Drill music; gang communications; also addressing gang evidence and membership.  Expert Witness in court

Modern Slavery/ Human Trafficking: Forced Labour and Criminal Exploitation; S.45 Defence; re county lines; recreational drug markets; cuckooing; CCE; sexual exploitation; gang exploitation; youth court and Crown court.  Expert Witness in court.

Drill Translation: Transcription and Translation of Drill/Rap tracks; Gang Slang and Youth Slang in music or phone communications; Snapchat and mobile phone conversations; prison phone conversations,

Explanation of how Drill is used in online postings; Drill filming in estates. Expert Witness in court.

Criminal activity associated with street gangs: reasons for criminal behaviour; respect and status; moped crime; acid attacks; dog–fighting; knife crime and inter–personal violence; kidnapping, intimidation, threats.

Anti–social Behaviour: types of ASB; youth dynamics; night–time economy; vandalism; criminal damage; youth violence.

Additional Information:
Regional Limits:
GB Wide
Additional Languages:
English only but regularly work with interpreters
Lawyer Consultation:
15 minutes free of charge discussion:
Expert Witness Work:
Single Joint Expert:
Legal Aid Work:
Criminal Cases:
Media & Public Relations:
Personal Injury:
Expert Witness Activity:
Single Joint Expert:
How many times have you attended court: 25
(Past 3 years)
How many expert reports have you written: 375+
(Past 3 years)

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