
The NEWA website allows all paid and unpaid members to use our website pages on PC/Tablet/Mobile formats or printing copies of extracts from our any of our pages for your personal use only and not for redistribution unless consented by the agency (NEWA) in writing.

Any copyrights, therefore are not expressly granted herein are reserved. Reproduction, transfer, distribution or storage also form part of this act.

The NEWA web document pages may be subject to additional terms indicated in those documents. The trademarks, service marks, trade names, trade dress and products represented are protected. No use of these may be made without prior, written authorisation except to identify the services of the association.

Other products and companies mentioned herein may be trademarks or trade names of their respective owners. NEWA are not responsible for the content of any third party external web content mentioned on this website.

NEWA takes no responsibility for any members who take up professional indemnity insurance through Ntegrity and training with Bond Solon.. They are a third party source and members who take an insurance scheme or training are in contract with Ntegrity and Bond Solon and not NEWA.

Refunds & Cancellation Policy

Payment is required within 30 days of confirmation of membership on normal undiscounted packages.

Promotional offers or alternative discounted packages have to be paid in full within 7 days of membership confirmation.

Alternative payment arrangements can be offered on request. Any arrangement will require signature of agreement and will be considered legally binding.

The expert(s) shall have the right to cancel the order within 21 days of signing this agreement at no cost. Notice of your intent to cancel any order must be provided in writing by fax, post or email.

The expert(s) are responsible for content and submission of CV’s, photos, company logos or any other additional information required for their online (public domain) listing.

The expert(s) may be requested to provide the names and addresses of two practising British solicitors or lawyers for reference if requested. A short questionnaire will be sent to the ‘referees’ directly from our head office.

NEWA is not responsible for the actions of its members when commencing expert witness instructions. We are a third party source who responsibilities is to promote and market its members.

NEWA reserves the right to include an index to the listing on our website and will not be held responsible for any error or omission.

NEWA reserves the right to position the listing notwithstanding any preferred position requested by the expert(s).

The draft confirmation contract including these terms & conditions constitutes a legal contract.

NEWA reserves the right to cancel any listing if a review has been taken.

National Expert Witness Agency I NEWA
Company No: 09683609.

NEWA 2025 © Website by Design for Online®