I have over thirty years clinical experience in the field of Podiatry and Podiatric Surgery and more than twenty years’ experience as a medical expert. I am widely published in my field and have a strong academic portfolio.
I have worked within general podiatry services, specialist child development centres and led high intensity wound clinics. Following my appointment as a Consultant Podiatric Surgeon within the NHS.
I have established a number of independent Podiatric surgery services, held senior NHS roles including MSK lead for Solent NHS and worked as a nationally approved Tutor and examiner.
I am pleased to provide Court compliant robust medical reports in a timely manner.”
Areas of expertise include:
I have clinics in the following areas:
North London: 66 Station Rd., Chingford, E4 7BA.
Birmingham: Spire Parkway Hospital, Damson Parkway, Solihull, B91 2PP.
Hampshire: Waterfront and Solent Surgery, Jones Lane, Hythe, SO45 6AW.