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Looking at joining NEWA as an expert?

Are you, or would you like to be an Expert Witness?

Are you aware that your expertise is quite often sought after by Britain’s legal and media networks to act as an expert witness in a court of law?

Are you also aware of the type of fees available to you, in return for your qualified professional reporting services?

Would you like to reach Britain’s top litigators and attract high quality instructions?

Over 100,000 searches annually and growing

Our 24/7 online directory of experts with over 102,000 searches annually, can be viewed on both expertise and profession.

We also include experts that are Cardiff University Bond Solon (CUBS) approved

Promoting members to receive quality instructions

We promote all our members through a first class online listing on our unique referral website, and offer sound marketing advice that will give you the best chance of securing quality instructions. 

Most members we speak to enjoy being an expert witness and the financial rewards it comes with.